Friday, June 20, 2008

La Cucaracha

I'm moving out of my apartment at the end of the month. It won't be a moment too soon. I know cockroaches weren't a biblical plague, but believe me, Moses might have wanted to re-think it (frogs aren't that scary). My apartment is crawling with these little guys, and its starting to really piss me off.

Being on the ground floor, it makes us especially susceptible to these guys walking up the drains into our house. They scamper and scatter, running from the light and any approaching person, but not fast enough to be invisible, not even fast enough to avoid potential squashing (I wield the New Balance of Death). But if I kill them, it creates a gross mess which I don't want to clean up. The result is I don't kill them, which naturally means they'll never disappear, but I don't think it would make a difference anyway, these things can survive the nuclear holocaust, I think they'll survive the New Balance holocaust.

Nothing is more depressing than watching TV and having to pause the movie to wave a pillow at the door to your room, dissuading the eager 2 inch cockroach from sticking his antenna any closer. If I wasn't leaving, maybe I'd have the energy to do something, maybe I'd try to spray Raid on the drains at night, but the fact of the matter is I am leaving. And I'm going to live way up in a high rise where I can ignore the 11th plague of Shanghai.

1 comment:

This Ridiculous World said...

Our Chinese cockroaches somehow always end up on their backs, where they get stuck like turtles. We think they're dead, but when we try to pick them up (with a tissue) they start wiggling.