Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Cut Below

Chinese Haircuts Stink. I've come to the conclusion that, for various reasons, Chinese barbers/hairdressers/men scissors cannot cut my hair well. I've now had perhaps 5 haircuts here, and a grand total of 1 was half decent. Did I write months ago extolling the virtues of cheap and wonderful haircuts in China? I was mistaken and take it all back - they are a disaster.

My hair is, superficially, rather similar to that of an average Chinese person. Though mine is brown to their black, both are perfectly straight and straw-like. The difference is that my hair is finer than double parking, where as Chinese people have big, thick strands on their heads. Anyone who quickly looked, or even ran a finger through would likely not notice any difference, but start cutting it and, lo the difference appears. Barbers, thinning my hair as they would for a local with similar hair, leave my scalp exposed, my head cold, and my pride wounded. It's not their fault, per say, because they've likely never cut westerners hair before, but that's not consolation when I'm half-bald and shivering in the cold November air.

Tragic as this may seem, I shall soldier on. I plan to enlist the help of a local Chinese teacher to escribe instructions on a paper for me to pass to my next barber. If they follow the instructions I may leave unscathed. If they don't... it'll grow back and I'll be out all of a buck and a half... plus every hair cut comes with a free massage, so I'll have that going for me.

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