Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Jin Mao Tower

The Jin Mao Tower was the tallest building in China proper, until someone decided to build a taller building next door. That new building isn't complete, so I suppose official the Jin Mao still holds the title. I went up to the top yesterday, only to discover the clear weather that had begun the day, didn't feel like sticking around and the perpetual afternoon haze of Shanghai returned. I still could see far... by Shanghai's standards of about 3 miles (you have to understand how dirty this city is). Anyway, I waited it out until nightfall and then was treated to a beautiful display of lights from the city below. Now, Shanghai is a city of skyscrapers, but this one towers above them all. Looking down so far on all the other 'towers' you realize just how much bigger this one is. Fun facts of note, there are signs at the base that say 'no climbing', why? Because there are lots of handholds and bars all the way up the outside, inviting you to climb it like a jungle gym. After 2 people did try, they put up signs. Also, it holds the highest hotel in the world (not the tallest hotel, just the hightest...). See the Grand Hyatt starts at the 55th floor and continues to the 88th. Inside there is a singular atrium spanning that entire distance (its so pretty!!) Also, they have about 4 restaurants that are pricey by Shanghai standards (but not that bad compared to the west), which are situated on the 56th floor and have lovely views over the city (hint, hint, mom and dad). Needless to say, this is a truly modern skyscraper and a wonder of the world. I wish I had my camera to show you the pictures.... but you know the story... I don't, we'll all have to wait. China can hang with the very best of engineering and construction when they want to it appears.


Alex Kieft said...
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Alex Kieft said...

Dan! What happened to your camera!?!